Let There Be Light – part 2

After everyone had time to cool off and re-energize the second phase of this potent day would commence. LadyHawke and I met up on the back grand gardens and patio where my large crystal singing bowl sat on a pedestal just waiting for her moment to sing with those whom were ready. She holds much presence and commands authenticity and when in her vibration she will clear anyone’s fields as well as reset their circuitry. With that being said not everyone is ready to stand by this powerful bowl. No sooner did she start to sing a few sisters were quickly magnetized to stand around her. As the bowl began to entrain the field of those around as well as anywhere in the vicinity and for that matter the entire earth plane up to the crystalline grid…… We began to tone with the bowl as more Goddesses joined to expand the circle until we were eight to complete a perfect balance signifying new beginnings and new cycles. The sun was low in the sky at this point, almost fully set below the mountain view where we stood. The new hues that are revealing themselves were painted in the sky just in time for our moment of conscious collective cooperative luminosity. Entering into a full toning with that of the bowl – we were outside of time. Having taken this to the grid and back we all returned for a moment to allow for adjustments. I turned around to see that R had been sitting off to the side, asking him if he could still see us as we were not sure if we had remained in the physical present of that timeline. He just laughed and said “I don’t know I was gone too”.

Though the sun was down the light remains very bright here in Port Townsend. I remember last year while on my vision quest in July I marveled at the radiant luminosity of this area as it stays light until 11:00pm. At this point of the evening many had parted with their farewells as the rest of us continued singing and chanting on the patio surrounded by glorious flowers with a view that could not be ignored.

The energy now contractive as we came to a close, I know for me it was quite fulfilling in what I had set out to accomplish this day. I am honored to have communed with those that recognized this to be a most powerful and sacred time, to amplify this incredible energy that we all had experienced in a moment of collective conscious oneness.

Upon my return home I did a quick check on the computer which revealed we had major solar flare activity during this day accounting for the over the top intensity that was felt.

Not only did we receive a download of epic proportions, the illumination of spirit was indeed brought to a still point.

Love and Light,

Let There Be Light – part 1

Happy Solstice!!  I asked for it and I got it…

During the days preceding the solstice I had asked for the highest vibration that was coming through. That means light and Solstice means the still point…..

With the solstice sandwiched between all the eclipses, while being on a full moon we are given unprecedented light right now. A complete upgrade of our equipment via the high voltage frequency. Felt as though I was running 220 V into what was my 120 V outlet, without any modulation I would have fried. Waking up feeling a bit groggy was just the beginning, as the morning progressed especially at the peak of solstice I was buzzing. My heart was pounding out of my chest, I felt dizzy and my crown chakra was wide open in receiving mode. I knew this was coming yet how do you prepare for it, this was no ordinary day and called for extraordinary measures.

There was a Solstice gathering at my friends Dennis and True Heart’s house, recognizing these powerful moments they have held several gatherings this last year. As one of the first on sight I proceeded to head down to the acreage where the bon fire was started. Keidren and I smudged the area to sanctify the space where we will be having our communal gathering.

I grew particularly aware of everyone entering the scene, as they each would make their way down this clear pathway to the opening of the field. Like the entrance to a grand ball each person would descend to the group which was gathering in this outside healing room. I felt a deep recognition and familiarity to those entering the space, as if we have done this many times before. After being smudged everyone would enter the sacred setting, sitting on a vortex overlooking the western mountains. The breathtaking view as our back drop gave way for an experience of grand proportion this day. The sun was extremely intense it felt to be 100 degrees, though rarely do we get hot here in Port Townsend;  as I knew it was maybe 70 degrees. At one point I was not sure if this heat and light was emanating from within while pouring out or the obvious other way.

Having a grandfather drum as well as a mother drum made for quite the spectacle. Many other hand drums were being used as well as rattles and other sound makers. After a couple of hours everyone was feeling the intensity of the heat and energy radiating around, through and from. Seemingly a communal consensus we wrapped up the first part and headed to the house to cool down and rest. Certainly by no means was the energy subsiding and for me what would be the most intoxicating moments of the day yet to come.

Let There Be Light – part 2

Love and Light,

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